Sunday, June 21, 2009

Apostolics Anonymous

The whole reason I named this blog "Apostolics Anonymous" is because of Apostolic's relationship with the world (and because it's a terrific pun lol.) Seriously, though, The world makes us feel like we're outsiders that congregate regularly, and that we should almost be ashamed of what we are. Yet this worldly oppression leads us to have more pride than ever in what we are. We are not afraid to openly pray. We do not tip-toe around the word "God" or "Jesus." And we wear our skirts like an outward representation of our inward faith. Not to say that sometimes we aren't afraid. We may very well fall victim to fear, but we always realize in the end that though we're walking through the valley of the shadow of death we should not fear the evil that encamps about us.
Also, please realize that my statements about the world are vast generalizations. Some people in the world may be very supportive, this is just my experience with them. Just a little background info on the name, is all.
God bless,
Ayanna Anonymous<3

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Woman's Heart

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."
That is so true. I had a friend who liked me, but until he found God there was really nothing I could do.
I am so closely nestled with the Lord that there's no way I could see myself becoming "unevenly yoked" with him.
Is this right? Or was I being too harsh?
I personally agree with the quote, I guess the guy just couldn't find me.

Denim is Done

Everywhere I look I see denim skirts.

Every time I see an apostolic girl wearing some ladies apparel it's always a denim skirt. Why is that? I love wear a billion different types of fashionable, modest skirts. Not to say I don't pull out my bland denim ones every now and again. It's just there are so many more options. Try only wearing denim skirts no more than twice a week. It's not that hard if you have the right arsenal in your closet.

Admittedly it does make it very easy to spot us. I know many people tell me after a week or two of meeting me that "[they] don't think [they've] ever seen [me] in pants before." It doesn't automatically click for about everyone I meet because I change it up and still look nice. I love some nice summer dresses. I can shop like a normal person without having to look to flashy or immodest: If a dress doesn't have straps I wear a jacket over it, If a dress is too short I cut off the top and wear it as a skirt. Don't over accessorize, always be comfortable, and always have fun with what you wear!


I was discussing my lack of enthusiasm for meat (besides bacon, pepperoni, and sausage) with my cousin, when she brought up the point that you shouldn't eat any animal with split hooves. I knew I'd heard that before but I didn't know where from so I asked her where she'd heard it. She said it was in the bible, and her grandma backed her up.

It's sad because the only meat I like is the nasty pig stuff, and pigs are made mostly out of pork!!! If any one has that scripture could you give it to me, because I'm very torn right now between wanting to follow God's law, and wanting to please my belly. Is there any verse that makes the one mention above null & void?

If it is his Word, his will be done.

But if they're mistaken I'm makin' some bacon.

Stay strong,

Ayanna Anonymous <3