Thursday, June 18, 2009


I was discussing my lack of enthusiasm for meat (besides bacon, pepperoni, and sausage) with my cousin, when she brought up the point that you shouldn't eat any animal with split hooves. I knew I'd heard that before but I didn't know where from so I asked her where she'd heard it. She said it was in the bible, and her grandma backed her up.

It's sad because the only meat I like is the nasty pig stuff, and pigs are made mostly out of pork!!! If any one has that scripture could you give it to me, because I'm very torn right now between wanting to follow God's law, and wanting to please my belly. Is there any verse that makes the one mention above null & void?

If it is his Word, his will be done.

But if they're mistaken I'm makin' some bacon.

Stay strong,

Ayanna Anonymous <3


  1. Leviticus scripture does not state that it is a sin to eat pork; it states that you will die if you eat it. It also state that it was more of a healthy lifestyle; not a Heaven or Hell issue. The New Testament shares a story that depicts Jesus telling Peter to rise, kill, and eat unclean animals.(Acts 10:9-16.)

  2. Thank you so much Apostolic Chick. I guess I'll just cut back on my pork intake.
